The Daniel Howard Foundation has a vision of allowing Israeli artistic and cultural* creation to prosper and lead outside the geographical borders of Israel, all around the world.

We adopted the broader definition of “culture and arts,” which includes the “Arts” in their traditional sense as well as the “Creative Industries”.

Israel has a breadth of unique innovation in various fields, perhaps innovation can be a main tool for us? If so, how can we harness it to realize this vision?

The definition of “Innovation” is not unequivocal, and to a large extent depends on culture, social trends, and one’s point of view. The starting point in our attempt to conceptualize what “Innovation” means for us was based on the principles of openness, attentiveness, and dialogue.

According to the collective knowledge we gathered, innovation consists of eight components








and Boldness

To formulate our strategy, we conducted conversations with professionals in the field of culture and tangent areas, trying to understand the nature of the challenges and existing obstacles in the field from which culture is created and grows, the resulting needs, and possible actions leveraging innovation to facilitate the desired change and realize the vision.

Two challenges were strongly repeated

  • The lack of infrastructure for the development and cultivation of human capital in the arts and cultural field.

  • Audiences on the micro and macro levels.